We look at the link between good nutrition and a strong immune system, specifically whether nutrition has a role in helping Diabetics ward off viral infections.
Just Diagnosed
Know the truth about Diabetes.
Learn more about living with Diabetes below.Â
You’ve been a Diabetic for one year: what happens now?
Well done! You’ve made it through your first year as a Diabetic.
Do you feel different after nine months with Diabetes?
As time goes by, it surprises you to reflect on just how long you’ve been living with Diabetes.
How 6 months with Diabetes changes your life
You’ve made it to six months of living as a Diabetic. Well done! It’s a massive adjustment.
Support for Diabetics: three months after diagnosis
This article is about linking your eating with your shopping habits, so we can help you prevent the temptations you may be finding tough to resist.
The holistic approach to managing Diabetes
Everyone is different. This means that every person who is diagnosed with Diabetes will approach it differently, too. Two months into Diabetes is a good time to consider a holistic approach.
You’ve been living with Diabetes for two months
Two months ago your doctor, nurse or clinic sister shared details of your health which might have come as quite the surprise. It may be odd to process that already two whole months have gone by since your Diabetes diagnosis. It’s something that changes the way you see yourself, and the choices you make in life.
It’s been one month since you were diagnosed as Diabetic
Your side effects should be steadily subsiding, and your food journal should be ready for your review.
Life after your Diabetes diagnosis: the one week milestone
Well done! You’ve made it through your first week since being faced with your life-changing Diabetes diagnosis. It’s ok if your mind and emotions are still racing around at this point.
Your first day of living with Diabetes
Your Diabetes diagnosis has changed your life.
What is Pre-Diabetes?
Also known as Borderline Diabetes,Pre-Diabetes can be difficult to recognise at first. Pre-Diabetes often develops as a precursor to developing Type 2 Diabetes.
Diabetes glossary
Understand common Diabetes terms.