About Us
At AllLife we have always believed that ALL South Africans deserve to have access to Life Cover, regardless of their health. We are proud to be the first to offer Life Cover to all South Africans, including people living with HIV, Diabetes, diagnosed with Cancer, had a Heart Attack, Stroke and even those that are being left out because they are deemed overweight as well as people that are perfectly healthy!

Our innovative products for people living with HIV or Diabetes, use a continuous underwriting approach to deliver affordable Life Cover to people who manage their health appropriately. We routinely check in with our policyholders on their health journeys and alert them to potential health concerns.
This unique approach to Life Insurance means we can provide Life Cover to individuals who the wider Life Insurance industry may regard as ‘uninsurable’. Our products are insured by Old Mutual Alternative Risk Transfer Limited (OMART).
We also offer Disability Cover .
With the Chronic Life plan you are guaranteed a minimum of R 3 Million Life Cover without any medical tests.
Our Chronic Life Cover has been designed especially for people who have been refused Life Cover because of their health. There are no medical tests, and your cover starts from the first day you pay your premium with a Life Cover build up period for which there is a choice of 36, 48 or 60 months.
In 2018 after many-many request from the market we expanded to also cover people that are in good health or as we like to say “Perfectly Healthy” making us possibly the only company in South Africa that can say we look after everyone, those that are healthy and those that are not.
Little bit about our story
We were established in 2004 and, since 2005, have provided affordable Life Cover for thousands of people living with HIV. We have improved the overall well-being through our Health Monitoring programme. In 2008, we extended cover to people living with Diabetes, once again based on their commitment to ongoing health monitoring. More recently we have also extended our product offering to include people living with Chronic Medical Conditions such as Cancer, Heart Conditions or a higher BMI.
Why are we here?
To provide access to Life Cover for all South African’s, including those with health challenges.
We are proud to say….
We have successfully provided Life Cover for our clients to the value of more than R20 billion and have overseen the successful payout of hundreds of millions of Rands.